Scaling & Root Planning/ Deep Cleaning Post Op
Scaling & Root Planning is a dental procedure that treats periodontal disease, it cleans between the gums and roots of your teeth. This type of cleaning removes any plaque or build up that has accumulated over time below the gum level. If the build up is left there for a long period of time it attacks soft tissue and bone causing it to recede and exposing the root of the tooth, causing sensitivity or discomfort for the patient. So if you just recently got your scaling & root planning (deep cleaning ) we will give you some tips on how to care and what to expect after the treatment.
What to expect after treatment:
In most cases local anesthesia is administer so that the patients doesn’t feel discomfort when the scaling & root planning is being performed. We recommend our patients not to eat anything until the anesthesia wears off. This way you minimize and prevent any chance of biting your lip, cheek, or tongue. The anesthesia will begin to wear off in approximately 1 to 3 hours after the procedure.
After the anesthesia wears off it is normal to experience sensitivity from your teeth and gum. This is usually related from the cleaning and removal of the plaque and build up.
It is also normal for your gums to feel slightly sore, the soreness and sensitivity tend to go away in the next couple days after the treatment is completed.
Bleeding may occur in the first 48 hours after scaling & root planning. If heavy bleeding occurs you can apply light pressure with a moistened gauze to the area that is bleeding,
keep it in place for at least 20-30 minutes, this should control the bleeding. If the bleeding increases or doesn’t control after 12 hours please call our office as soon as possible to notify the doctor.
You may also feel your gums tender and red, this will usually go away once the gums begin to heal and you maintain a good oral hygiene.
What to do at home after the appointment:
Rinse daily 2 -3 times a day with warm salt water or your mouthwash for the next week, to help the healing and reduce inflammation of your gums.
Avoid hard or sticky food such as popcorn, nuts, and chips, avoid spicy food and cold drinks. Hard sticky food may get stuck in the gum. Spicy food may cause your gums to burn or itch, and cold drinks will cause sensitivity. Soups, pastas, and scrambled eggs are highly recommended.
Avoid smoking for the next 7 days, smoking or using tobacco products will cause a delay in the healing process.
If arrestin was applied, avoid touching the treated areas. Wait 12 hours after your treatment to begin brushing. Wait 10 days before flossing and using other devices to clean in
between the teeth. Don’t chew gum or eat sticky foods. Arrestin works as an antibiotic to help fight gum disease.
If your dentist prescribe medication, please take it as indicated by your dentist.
Scaling & Root Planning with regular home-care will help and combat periodontal disease. After completing your deep cleaning regular cleaning are no longer completely effective, your dentist will recommend a periodontal maintenance every 3 months. They recommend every 3 months to monitor your gum disease. If you have question please feel free to contact our Santa Ana Dentist Dr. Danial Kalantari or your friendly staff of Smiles on Bristol Dentistry. /contact-us/